
Showing posts from January, 2021

Two Days After Christmas

© Tim Tipton 2021   Two Days After Christmas By Tim Tipton        It was two days after Christmas when I drove into the Otter Creek Outdoor Recreation Area to meet up with a new friend and spend my last day of fly fishing for the year 2020. Seeing all the vehicles in the parking area should have given me a clue about how the day was going to turn out.      Darrell was a guy I went to elementary school with, and I played on a basketball team with his older brother, but we didn’t really know each other. It was a chance meeting on social media that brought us together. Darrell had just received his first fly rod as a Christmas gift and was anxious to put it to work. I was just ready to get out of the house and hopefully catch a few fish. I only accomplished one of these.      We hiked downstream about a half mile to one of my favorite spots. It’s a place that rarely seems to have anyone in it. A shelf drops off on the far...
  © 2021 Tim Tipton Getting Them Started By Tim Tipton        In my home state of Kentucky, as well as across the nation, the sales of hunting and fishing license have declined in recent years. There are a variety of factors involved. More people live in urban and suburban areas than in years past. There is less access to rural areas due to development, private leases, and other factors. The attitude of private landowners has changed, and they are no longer quick to give permission due to poor behavior of some people and they also worry about liability issues.      Fewer children hunt and fish now like they once did. There are many more activities that involve our children’s free time, including organized sports, video games, home computers and others. What can outdoor lovers do to get more kids involved and ensure the next generation of outdoorsmen and women keep these traditions alive? We must introduce kids to the excitement of ...
  Sometimes it is important to take a look back and reflect. Here are a few articles that were written about me, and a couple that were written by me. I hope you enjoy,
  Here's to 2021, may you enjoy great hunts, hikes, camps, and fishes. Happy New Year!